Coach D at Big Kahuna
Welcome to Trifiniti Endurance Performance Coaching, a site for endurance athletes. Founded by triathlon pioneer, Coach Duane Franks, Trifiniti is your resource for information and services related to endurance performance. Our mission at Trifiniti is to promote healthy lifestyles through endurance training programs that are fun, educational, inspirational, supportive and delivered with the highest quality of service.
Click here to contact Coach D: duane@trifiniti.com
Disclaimer: Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program or using the information obtained from this website or any where else. If at any time you feel discomfort, dizzy or experience pain, stop activity and contact your physician immediately. Athletes participating in any activity related to Trifiniti should be healthy and free of injury or any signs of metabolic, cardiovascular or muscular-skeletal disease. Trifiniti athletes are required to submit a completed Athlete Questionnaire and Par Q upon beginning training. Athletes participating in organized group workouts are required to submit Trifiniti waiver forms.